I hate EOM on the basis of race, religion, gender, nationality or sexuality or other personal characteristics
What a nut job!
a video will be posted later today where all the mysteries of god, the disgusting thing causing desolation, all the contradictions in the bible, why god in the old testament seemed so cruel, why was satan created if god is good, how is god love?
all of the prophecies jesus had foretold which were hidden and lost yet being fullfilled the entire time.
this is the good news that will then spread worldwide, and then the end will come.
I hate EOM on the basis of race, religion, gender, nationality or sexuality or other personal characteristics
What a nut job!
i don't want to deceive anyone and i have to clarify a few things so i'm sorry this is going to be a lot more vague then you want.
infact if you do not already realize or also feel something is about to happen as in the title, then move along, it will be a month or 2 before i update this.
it's not my intention to annoy anybody, i am too uncomfortable to post any details because it's too new and i need to verify things, and i am also feeling responsible to give a subtle warning, that it might be something somebody needs to see.
that this jw religion was infiltrated by high ranking members of other religions at high levels?
(no real point in infiltrating at low levels that is why these hearings especially crack me up)...as if some local person says something omg i was stumbled cover their ears so so so fu#$in stupid.
can you imagine?
the entire saga, all 3 hours are now online.
this last one took hours and hours to edit and i am so glad it is done.
(although i still have the behind the scenes footage to put up on how i did the hidden camera lol!
bookmarked for latter.
some have figured out, but i am a poster that previously used another name.
but even then i did not give many details about myself.
i barely cracked 100 posts.. but i have never done a thread to explain why i am here.
Can't wait to hear more
some have figured out, but i am a poster that previously used another name.
but even then i did not give many details about myself.
i barely cracked 100 posts.. but i have never done a thread to explain why i am here.
new dex tomorrow night!.
i can't lie, i'm a little bit in love with dexter.
alas, he is not alone on the list of guys that maketh me uber frisky........ dexter.
I have a huge man crush on Dexterlol
national debate on tv, "who serve the true god".. panel consist of islam, christians, jews , jw,s and.
folks from this site.. islam, we serve the true god and if you don,t believe me.
watch him give me the power to slit your throat.
I would nominate raypublisher "Eric" as one of the speakers for us here on JWN as he is well poised and well spoken. He would knock it out of the park
.. and all revelations stuff... it reminde me of the society ... when travis said to dr. gellar.." look at all the people they're all dead!
yikrs to familliar... so it did make me look to one of the only wts books around here..it's a red one... any way look up two witness in it .. cuz these two serial killers think they are... two paragraphs i new it was bs!!!.
back to dexter.. any way would love too talk, no one i know has showtime... face book page has two many people, although i did make a friend in aus, downunder..during season 2.. and i had some killer comments that got masive likes .. on requested takes... murder scenes from revelations.. where the killers were going to bring about the end .. by sacrifices.. murders.... so any one love a serial killer named dexter like me... i liken myself to him, it was how he has a dark passenger.... will talk any season, if you're behind on dvd.. the gal from aus, was behind tooo... l8r t8r.
I am! Love Dexter and his "Dark Passenger" DVR is set
our friend, oompa, has passed away.
just recieved the news a couple of hours ago, and have almost no details.
it happened today or yesterday, he took his own life.